London’s Main Drainage Booklets
I thought I’d share some front cover images from a few variations of booklet on the theme of London’s Main Drainage, produced by a mix of London administrative bodies. I’m unsure how many incarnations of these booklets were published over the years, though I expect it is greater than the five I have.
Drain0r Magazine – It’s Miasmic
Back in the heady days of 2008, in days of frivolity and disposable income, I was the co-editor of a short print run fanzine type publication named Section61. The third issue of said zine was drain & sewer themed and as it was being taken on as a solo effort
Draingerous Recreation [dreyn-ing] – noun the exploration of underground man-made drainage systems. This text is not a three step guide to better draining. It is not a fast track to drain exploring knowledge, whilst by-passing drain exploring experience.