Run this by me again

Yes, that is a part of what we do in the course of our study of London’s main drainage network. Alongside more traditional study and research practices, such as access to archival materials and the use of other historic and literary resources, we apportion equal importance to the hands on scrutiny of our subject matter. Taking time to explore, investigate and photograph London’s sewers affords us a greater understanding of the often complex architecture and gives practical insight and knowledge that cannot be gained from any amount of time spent thumbing through books and documents.

The exploratory aspect of our study is undertaken with assessment of the personal risks involved. Although we are not wastewater professionals we utilise appropriate PPE, PGD and observe safe practice as necessary.


In Memoriam

Sir Joseph William Bazalgette

This website is dedicated to the memory of Sir Joseph William Bazalgette, Chief Engineer to the Metropolitan Board of Works (1856 – 1889) and mastermind of a unified system of main drainage for London. The city owes much to his vision and foresight in planning and executing a complex and colossal public work that endures still as the backbone of London’s sewer network.

Fleet Sewer

  • Close encounters of the turd kind

    For a period of four years, since our first ventures into the Fleet Sewer, all exploration outings on the part of ourselves and others had been concentrated on its downstream stretch; being the approx 2km run from the area close to the northern end of Farringdon Road down to the Thames in the vicinity of […]

  • Lost Bagnigge

    With a map of central London fixed over a dartboard, if you were to launch a handful of darts at the board, for as long as you were hitting the board you’d be hitting a spot with multifarious history; every geographic puncture marking a location where the social strata is as varied and transformed as […]