Reference & Reading

Over the years I have amassed something of a collection of disbound articles from academic journals, life-style magazines, and engineering publications. During the reign of Queen Victoria there seems to have been a sustained interest in all things under London, which is understandable given the proliferation of subterranean engineering projects in the capital during that era. There was also something of a peak in interest through the 1950s, as the centenary of the Main Drainage Works came and went. I have begun the arduous task of scanning in articles, which could take a while, especially given my track record of non-existent website updates.

Once I’ve scanned a majority of them in I’ll likely put them into some sort of categories, but for now I’ll just dump the links here chronologically. To save on throttling my bandwidth the articles are hosted on Google Drive and linked to from this page. Enjoy.

Metropolitan Board of Works